Friday, July 29, 2011

Monster of an animation!

Staying in theme with my last post, the topic for this months Loopdeloop animation screening was monsters. There was a terrific batch of animation at the screening and it was great to have a chat with some of the talented animators who created some of those animations. For my response to the theme I had a crack at animating the walk cycle of a couple of four legged monsters. Check out the link below to see my animation.

daniel atkinson MONSTERS

Monday, July 18, 2011


Illustrators Australia has team up with the Melbourne based Hill of Content Bookshop to present a group exhibition titled Moving Stories.

This exhibition is part of the LOOK STOP SHOP 2011 program, which is part of the State of Design Festival (20th-31st July).

The exhibition will display a collection of small dioramas, all of which include a basic light box based animation display. Some of the participants in this exhibition included noted illustrators such as Ben Sanders, Andrea Innocent, Anna Walker, Sonia Kretschmarand and Michael Weldon.

These dioramas will be on display 24hours a day in the windows of the Hill of Content Bookshop for the duration of the Festival.

The LOOK STOP SHOP 2011 program, will offically launch on this Wednesday (20th July).

If you can't wait till then, I have included some images of my diorama in this post. (For those who might be interested, the animation in my diorama shows a flame leaping out of the creatures mouth.)
