Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pixar Lectures

Well it has been a long time since my last post. Lets hope I can make it up with some interesting reviews of some events and exhibitions I have been to over the past few months.
In late June to coincide with the launch of the Pixar exhibition "20 years of animation." Three staff from Pixar came to Melbourne and presented some lectures on their individual roles in the company.
Firstly there was Elyse Klaidman. Pixar hired Elyse originally to give drawing lessons to the non-creative members of the Pixar Company. Later Elyse's role in the company grew into in house curator for in house exhibitions Pixar hold with in their studio.
Jerome Ranft spoke on the second day. Jerome is hired by Pixar to sculpt various proposed character designs for films in development. Jerome's work allows the director of the film and other staffs have a better understanding of what characters will look like in three dimension.
Paul Topolos spoke on the following day and he was by far the most interesting of the speakers. Paul creates beautiful digital paintings for Pixar. These paintings are used as backdrops for scenes or alternatively for the textures on digital created 3D virtual objects.
One the final day all three speakers’ answers questions from the crowd in a panel style arrangement.
All in all it was a great four days of informative and interesting speeches.

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